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Wolfgang Karner's "Semiramis Software Architecture" image 
This copyright protected image is massively used illegally - worldwide!

We were able to find at least 500 websites in Latin America who had illegally incorporated Wolfgang Karner's copyright protected software architecture image - without permission - infringing
European and their own countries
copyright regulations. From Mexico down to the deepest Chile, no matter what kind of business division - from software companies to the telecommunications industry, public and private universities, professors and students - they all are using the image either in original or modified versions for their own business purposes.

Architektur 2003

The original image:

Below you can see only a few typical examples of Latin American websites who illegally use Wolfgang Karner's creation.

Illegale Screenshots 1
Illegale Seiten 2
Illegale 4Illegale5
Illegal 5a
Illegal 6
Illegal 7
